

Hanady Salman (editor at the As-Safir newspaper of Beirut)
a very kind person, and extraordinarily moderate, up to now,
sent this on Monday to As'ad Abuchalil:
"One suggestion I need any of you to transmit to the Israelis: I offer you all of us. Our flesh, our scalps, our inner parts to exhibit live on TV screens, our bare feet eaten by wolves during the night in ex- villages, our blood flooding in the streets, our kids, our mothers, our fathers , our brothers, sisters, grandparents , every single one of us. KILL US ALL. You can be selective if you wish. Leave those who like you, believe in you, to prosper by you side in the new whatever hell you would like to have. JUST KILL US. DO NOT LEAVE US BEHIND. DO NOT LEAVE US TO WATCH. Tens of kids everyday, toddlers, elderly, killed in their houses, in their shelters, on the roads trying to flee, in the centers where they took refuge.> THEY ARE ALL MINE,THE KIDS THEY KILLED, THEY ARE ALL MEMEBERS OF MY FAMILY THE “CIVILIANS” THEY KILLED, AND YOU KNOW WHAT ,THE FIGHTERS ARE FIGHTING FOR ME AND FOR MY CHILD’S TOMORROW. THEY ARE ALL MINE, THE ONES THEY’RE KILLING. Blood is all what you have to offer, it has always been that way. Blood you shall have. As much blood as you planes can get. As much blood as your fantasies imply. As much blood as there is in our veins. Did you have enough blood for today? Only in the afternoon, in Ghazyeh, in Ghassanieh, in Houla, in Britel, in Chmestar, in Ali Nahri, in Hezzine, in Tyre, in Bayyada, in Qassmieh, and those you killed a few minutes ago in Shayyah, in the southern suburb, the Hezbollah stronghold as your reporters label it. In this Hezbollah stronghold, my colleagues fail to mention, hundreds of POOR families live, and today most of them are refugees from other parts of the country. Kill as much as you can. Your smart planes and smart rockets and smart asses and smart allies: kill us all. This is not just another war. This is extermination. This is another fun game, the way the Israelis like them, played with US made arms, funded by YOUR MONEY, justified by YOUR PRESS, encouraged by YOUR ELECTED POLITICIANS. SHAME ON ANY OF US WHO WILL EVER FORGRET. SHAME ON THAT WHO WOULD EVER FORGIVE. SHAME ON THAT WHO WOULD EVER MENTION PEACE AGAIN : YOUR PEACE WAS MISSED BY MY KIDS, THUS , I NEED IT NO MORE."
9 σχόλια:
Τι να πω ρε 'συ...
Πρώτα ήρθαν και συλλάβανε τους κομμουνιστές.
Δε μίλησα, επειδή δεν ήμουν κομμουνιστής ...
Έπειτα, ήρθαν για τους Εβραίους.
Δε μίλησα, επειδή δεν ήμουν Εβραίος ...
Μετά συλλάβανε τους εργάτες, μέλη συνδικάτων.
Δε μίλησα, επειδή δεν ήμουν συνδικαλιστής.
Ύστερα, ήρθαν για τους καθολικούς.
Πάλι δε μίλησα, επειδή ήμουν προτεστάντης ...
Στο τέλος, όταν ήρθαν να πιάσουν εμένα, κανείς δε μιλησε....
γιατί δεν είχε απομείνει κανείς"
Martin Niemöller
I came here because I find you at Mazen´s blog.
It´s somethig good to find that people all around the world are caring about.
Cool site, really love it.
The ME's history and problems are not simple so there are no simple answers...I'm tempted to repeat Jesus' words of "love one another" but I guess that too is too simple an answer
-- FreeCyprus
Hellenic Reporter
Hi Circa, I'd like very much to help, though I can't really see how...
kalispera Hellenic Reporter
In Silence το έψαχνα αυτό το κείμενο,ευχαριστώ....
Bienvenue, Delia...
ola kala re gate alla o ourovoros ofis tidoulia exei me arthro?
kalo to blog tha ta leme!!
Χαίρε Δημήτριε, μην πάει το μυαλό σου στο πονηρό! Ο ουροβόρος είναι ό,τι πιό κοντινό στον φαύλο κύκλο μπορούσα να σκεφτώ.
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